Monday, January 12, 2009

Hoegaarden - Witbier-biere blanche

"The original Belgian White Beer"

A popular Wheat beer brewed in traditional Belgium white style, Hoegaarden is brewed in Flanders since 1966 and is owned by InBev since 1987. The Wheat beer has departed from it's original Hoegaarden recipe, and therefore some of it's punch and character to appeal to a wider audience. However, this departure has led to some of it's success, now widely distributed throughout the world.
Hoegaarden is often found in my beer fridge since it is easy to find, economical, and rather mellow. As with most Wheat beers, you can dress it up a bit with some citrus. I prefer a thin slice of orange peel, but often drink it as-is. Citrus tends to pull out some of the subtle spice flavors including coriander. This beer is creamy, smooth, and very drinkable.
Color: Naturally cloudy gold (unfiltered) with a strikingly white (but short-lived) head
Alcohol: 4.9% ABV
Glass: A chilled and chunky tumbler
Beer Bloggle Score: 75% - lacking a pleasing after taste and a little too mellow but easy and pleasant to drink.

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